Constants in CGS units (pwkit.cgs)

pwkit.cgs - Physical constants in CGS.

Specifically, ESU-CGS im which the electron charge is measured in esu ≡ Franklin ≡ statcoulomb.

a0 - Bohr radius [cm] alpha - Fine structure constant [ø] arad - Radiation constant [erg/cm³/K⁴] aupercm - AU per cm c - Speed of light [cm/s] cgsperjy - [erg/s/cm²/Hz] per Jy cmperau - cm per AU cmperpc - cm per parsec conjaaev - eV/Angstrom conjugation factor: AA = conjaaev / eV [Å·eV] e - electron charge [esu] ergperev - erg per eV euler - Euler’s constant (2.71828…) [ø] evpererg - eV per erg G - Gravitational constant [cm³/g/s²] h - Planck’s constant [erg s] hbar - Reduced Planck’s constant [erg·s] jypercgs - Jy per [erg/s/cm²/Hz] k - Boltzmann’s constant [erg/K] lsun - Luminosity of the Sun [erg/s] me - Mass of the electron [g] mearth - Mass of the Earth [g] mjup - Mass of Jupiter [g] mp - Mass of the proton [g] msun - Mass of the Sun [g] mu_e - Magnetic moment of the electron [esu·cm²/s] pcpercm - parsec per cm pi - Pi [ø] r_e - Classical radius of the electron [cm] rearth - Radius of the earth [cm] rjup - Radius of Jupiter [cm] rsun - Radius of the Sun [cm] ryd1 - Rydberg energy [erg] sigma - Stefan-Boltzmann constant [erg/s/K⁴] sigma_T - Thomson cross section of the electron [cm²] spersyr - Seconds per sidereal year syrpers - Sidereal years per second tsun - Effective temperature of the Sun [K]


blambda - Planck function (Hz, K) -> erg/s/cm²/Hz/sr. bnu - Planck function (cm, K) -> erg/s/cm²/cm/sr. exp - Numpy exp() function. log - Numpy log() function. log10 - Numpy log10() function. sqrt - Numpy sqrt() function.

For reference: the esu has dimensions of g^(1/2) cm^(3/2) s^-1. Electric and magnetic field have g^(1/2) cm^(-1/2) s^-1. [esu * field] = dyne.