Period-finding with Phase Dispersion Minimization (pwkit.pdm)

pwkit.pdm - period-finding with phase dispersion minimization

As defined in Stellingwerf (1978ApJ…224..953S). See the update in Schwarzenberg-Czerny (1997ApJ…489..941S), however, which corrects the significance test formally; Linnell Nemec & Nemec (1985AJ…..90.2317L) provide a Monte Carlo approach. Also, Stellingwerf has developed “PDM2” which attempts to improve a few aspects; see

class pwkit.pdm.PDMResult(thetas, imin, pmin, mc_tmins, mc_pvalue, mc_pmins, mc_puncert)

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 6


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0

pwkit.pdm.pdm(t, x, u, periods, nbin, nshift=8, nsmc=256, numc=256, weights=False, parallel=True)[source]

Perform phase dispersion minimization.

t : 1D array
time coordinate
x : 1D array, same size as t
observed value
u : 1D array, same size as t
uncertainty on observed value; same units as x
periods : 1D array
set of candidate periods to sample; same units as t
nbin : int
number of phase bins to construct
nshift : int=8
number of shifted binnings to sample to combact statistical flukes
nsmc : int=256
number of Monte Carlo shufflings to compute, to evaluate the significance of the minimal theta value.
numc : int=256
number of Monte Carlo added-noise datasets to compute, to evaluate the uncertainty in the location of the minimal theta value.
weights : bool=False
if True, ‘u’ is actually weights, not uncertainties. Usually weights = u**-2.
parallel : default True
Controls parallelization of the algorithm. Default uses all available cores. See pwkit.parallel.make_parallel_helper.

Returns named tuple of:

thetas : 1D array
values of theta statistic, same size as periods
index of smallest (best) value in thetas
the period value with the smallest (best) theta
1D array of size nsmc with Monte Carlo samplings of minimal theta values for shufflings of the data; assesses significance of the peak
probability (between 0 and 1) of obtaining the best theta value in a randomly-shuffled dataset
1D array of size numc with Monte Carlo samplings of best period values for noise-added data; assesses uncertainty of pmin
standard deviation of mc_pmins; approximate uncertainty on pmin.

We don’t do anything clever, so runtime scales at least as t.size * periods.size * nbin * nshift * (nsmc + numc + 1).